Spring Fling

TBD 315 Jerusalem Road, Cohasset

Join Leslie Armstrong as she guides us in putting together an arrangement full of Spring blossoms and colors. Details will be forthcoming. Participants can provide their own container or some will be available for purchase. There will be an additional fee for materials

Taking Photos in Nature

Outside event around Cohasset- TBD

We will be taking a photography trip in the Cohasset area either in the woods or on the beach to practice composition, exposure, zoom and/ or macro photography. You can bring your iPhone or camera. Depending on the size of the group each photographer will submit two or three of their best images taken on [...]

Flower Conditioning

Sarah Boynton will lead a workshop covering the basics of flower conditioning - best times to cut and gather, how to hydrate, and what water additives to use to prolong bloom time and keep arrangements looking fresh. Sarah will also demonstrate some basic flower and leaf manipulation techniques to add texture and interest to your [...]

Growing Shrooms at Home

Sarah Boynton will lead a workshop covering the basics of flower conditioning - best times to cut and gather, how to hydrate, and what water additives to use to prolong bloom time and keep arrangements looking fresh. Sarah will also demonstrate some basic flower and leaf manipulation techniques to add texture and interest to your [...]

Choosing and Conditioning Specimens for Exhibiting in the Horticulture Show

TBD 315 Jerusalem Road, Cohasset

Ginger King and Dania Matheos will present a workshop on how to choose the best of your plants for inclusion in the horticulture show. They will explain what makes one leaf, bloom, spray, or branch better than another; and will touch on the things judges look for, good and bad. Presentation is all-important, as there [...]

Basic Editing on iPhone or Lightroom

TBD 315 Jerusalem Road, Cohasset

By popular demand, we are bringing back a workshop exploring the capabilities of our iPhone. This year we will focus on editing photos using the iPhone editing features or third-party apps. and can also discuss some of the features available that can facilitate taking great photos. A few weeks before the scheduled workshop we will [...]

Introduction to Becoming Certified- GCA Floral Design Judge

TBD 315 Jerusalem Road, Cohasset

For anyone interested in becoming a floral design judge, Anne Elwell, Ginger King and Sarah Boynton will host a panel discussion on the “how to get started” and requirements to become certified. In addition, they will share some of their own experiences as judges. The conversation promises to be lively, entertaining, and enlightening.

Botanical Arts- Techniques and Materials

TBD Cohasset, MA

Sarah Boynton will demonstrate how dried plant, seed, twig, and other natural materials can be transformed into stunning jewelry and objects using little more than glue, paint, nail enamel and imagination, along with a judicious use of small power tools. This workshop is being offered in anticipation of October Botanical Arts Show

Cohasset Garden Club Book Group

TBD Cohasset, MA

Join us for a light dinner and discussion of An Island Garden by Celia Thaxter, illustrated by Childe Hassam: “…a vivid, illustrated description of a turn-of-the-century garden on the Isles of Shoals, filled with details on the care and tending of an extraordinary piece of land.”