Design: Different Perspectives

Lightkeepers Residence 15 Lighthouse Lane, Cohasset, MA

Workshop: Be inspired and learn the mechanics of creating “Different Perspectives” in floral arranging with CGC expert designers 3 creating Parallel, Horizontal and Cascading designs in preparation for the June flower show. Instructors: Anne Elwell Reardon and Sarah Boynton

Invasive Species in Cohasset

Lightkeepers Residence 15 Lighthouse Lane, Cohasset, MA

Program: Lisey Good, whose name you may recognize from reading her environmental column in the Cohasset Mariner, will bring the big conservation question and some solutions to our doorstep. In her talk, she will offer practical advice and discuss some of Cohasset’s best native plants for your garden. Hostesses: Stacey Weaver, Vanessa Day, Linda Fraker, Sarah Pease, Julie Rafferty

Board Meeting

Home of Stacy Sturdy 142 Border Street, Cohasset, MA

Board Meeting

In the Pink Party!

The Davis Barn 257 Atlantic Avenue, Cohasset

Pink attire strongly encouraged for all! Guest Welcome $75 per person Flower Raffle and Wine Wall Small Plates and Desserts Open Bar with a Special Pink Sangria

Every Garden Matters. Every Landscape Counts

St. Anthony’s Parish Hall 129 S Main St, Cohasset, United States

Program: Horticulture, Design and Photography Competitions Public Conservation Meeting Claudia Thompson founded Grow Native Massachusetts in 2010 as a non-profit environmental organization to inspire people to action across the Commonwealth, on behalf of native plants and the diversity of life they support. Amongst its many activities, Grow Native Massachusetts sponsors a lecture series “Evenings with [...]

Private Tour of the Blue Garden, Newport Rhode Island

The Blue Garden Private garden only accessible through the tour.

Private Tour of the  Blue Garden: Recapturing this work of landscape artistry is intended to teach others about the intellectual and pragmatic challenges of restoring and preserving a garden of such historic significance. It is the hope that the Blue Garden serves as an inspiration to further this legacy while reinforcing stewardship values concerning our [...]

Board Meeting

Home of Stacy Sturdy 142 Border Street, Cohasset, MA

Board Meeting

Designing as Seen Through the Eyes of a Master Judge

Lightkeepers Residence 15 Lighthouse Lane, Cohasset, MA

Program: Designing as Seen Through the Eyes of a Master Judge A GCA Approved Judge in design and horticulture, Mary Huntoon is also an accredited master judge for NGC. She is a Flower Show School instructor in design and a past chairman of the Massachusetts Judges Council. Mary has won awards for her designs and [...]

Photography: Garden Paradise

TBD Cohasset, MA

Workshop: In preparation for the August photography show “Gardens”, members will visit a beautiful South Shore garden paradise, as well as a Nursery, to learn about different techniques to capture images for the “Gardens” competition. More details to follow closer to the date. Instructor: Sue Hess

Photography: Entering a GCA Flower Show

Lightkeepers Residence 15 Lighthouse Lane, Cohasset, MA

Have you ever had interest in learning more about how to enter a photograph in a GCA Flower Show? If the answer is yes, this is the workshop to attend! GCA Tutorial Slideshow being shown at this workshop.