Art in Bloom
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 465 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA, United StatesArt in Bloom - Celebrate the return of spring with Art in Bloom, the Museum’s annual festival of fine art and flowers.
Board Meeting
Home of Bet Baker 32 Nichols Rd, Cohasset, MABoard Meeting - Home of Bet Baker
GCA Annual Meeting, Boston
Garden Club of America Annual Meeting, Boston
Program- Cohasset Garden Club Workshop—Gardening 101
Kennedy’s Country Gardens 85 Chief Justice Cushing Hwy., Rte. 3A, Cohasset, MAAs a follow-up to Chris Kennedy’s ‘Gardening 101’ talk at our April meeting, please come to Kennedy’s Country Gardens on May 31st. Susan Anthony, Perennials Buyer, will lead a tour of the property and departments, make suggestions for plantings for gardens, borders and containers, and answer questions. If there is anything specific you would like [...]
Pollinator Week – Osgood School
Osgood SchoolBoard Meeting
The Work Station 132 Chief Justice Cushing Hwy, Cohasset, MA, United StatesBoard Meeting
Workshop – “Horticulture and Photography Show Fundamentals”
Lightkeepers Residence 15 Lighthouse Lane, Cohasset, MAOur club experts, Anne Elwell Reardon-(Hort) and Sue Hess-(Photography) will explain the basics required for preparing Hort specimens and photographs for inclusion in the competitions.
Program – The Cocktail Hour Garden with C.L. Fornari
Lightkeepers Residence 15 Lighthouse Lane, Cohasset, MA(Following Lunch in Members Homes) Horticulture Competition: For most of us, life is jam-packed. In the 21st century it becomes even more important to take a break at the end of the work day, put aside our digital devices and reconnect with other people and the natural world. This talk explores how we can all [...]
Workshop – “Preparation for Design Show”
Home of Jennifer Wilms 46 Gammons Rd, Cohasset, United StatesTheme: Rhapsody in Green (same theme for design and photography) Learn how to prepare your floral design in anticipation of the show on July 10th. Flower conditioning and mechanics will be covered. Instructor: TBD
Board Meeting
TBD Cohasset, MABoard Meeting - Canceled- See you in August!