
“Pop-UP” Day Trips Chosen from the menu below

We will seize the day for “pop-up” day trips, choosing from the menu of trips below. If you know of an interesting event you would like us to consider, please reach out to Martha or Sandy and we will be happy to arrange the logistics. Hidden Gardens of Beacon Hill Thursday, May 16, 2024 Greenwich [...]

Choosing and Conditioning Specimens for Exhibiting in the Horticulture Show

TBD 315 Jerusalem Road, Cohasset

Ginger King and Dania Matheos will present a workshop on how to choose the best of your plants for inclusion in the horticulture show. They will explain what makes one leaf, bloom, spray, or branch better than another; and will touch on the things judges look for, good and bad. Presentation is all-important, as there [...]